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Press | News letters


Press releases


Here you'll find official press releases from Roug Design, covering our latest projects, innovations, and developments in transportation and industrial design.

Each release provides insights into our work across various sectors, from maritime projects to sustainable design solutions.




Here you'll find a selection of articles and features from various media outlets that have highlighted Roug Design’s work and projects, where I have played a key role.

This press page is designed to make it easy and accessible for journalists, bloggers, and other media professionals to find relevant information about Roug Design as a company.

If you need more information or would like to cover one of my upcoming events or projects, feel free to contact me directly, and I’ll ensure you receive the materials and details you need.





Former newsletters


I regularly send out newsletters to share exciting updates, news, and insights into my latest projects and design work. These newsletters offer a glimpse into my creative process, emerging trends in design, and how I tackle specific challenges for my clients. I also use newsletters to inform about upcoming events, collaborations, or exclusive offers and resources for those interested in graphic design and visual communication.

By subscribing to my newsletters, you can stay updated on my latest developments and gain inspiration on how great design can enhance and strengthen your own visual identity.

For media inquiries or high-resolution images, please contact:    
Behind every image lies a story. This image is one of my projects, shown at random. Explore the portfolio to see more – or refresh the page to view another random image!

Press releases


Danish Transportation Designer Bridges Scandinavian Design with International Innovation

Press Release | January 2025

Press release unfolding the story of Danish transportation design meeting international innovation. From maritime projects like Nordship Yachts to groundbreaking sustainable transport concepts.

Discover how cross-cultural collaboration and creative expression combine Scandinavian design tradition with global innovation.

Click the image to explore the full story behind Roug Design's innovative journey.

design work of Roug Design projects and design concepts like Nordship yacht, the wing sail concept with Blue technology.dk, innovative golf cart, transport concepts own art paintings and Emil Goś art work  
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Soefart.dk | The dream of a ship with wings

29th October 2018

Discover the vision of a groundbreaking cargo ship equipped with large wings, aimed at sustainable sailing. Learn how this innovative technology could transform the future of shipping by reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions.

As the article is in Danish, the article can be translated via google translate.

An article about Brian Boserup and his pioneering "Blue Technology," with Roug Design playing a key role in its development. This project emphasizes sustainability and green technology in maritime contexts, particularly focusing on container ships. With a one-million-kroner grant from The Maritime Fund, the initiative is enabled to pursue new, professional avenues for advancing a sustainable future in the shipping industry.  
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The Danish maritime fond | One million Danish kroner

2nd October 2018

Groundbreaking maritime technology: BlueTechnology.dk receives one million DKK from the Danish Maritime Fund to develop revolutionary wing sails that could transform the future of maritime transport. Click the image to discover how this innovation is set to usher in a new era of sailing.

Since the article is in Danish, the article can be translated via google translate.

blue technology, Brian Boserup, bæredygtighed, grøn teknologi, containerskibe, den maritime fond, roug design  
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Fairplay.ihs.com | Blue Technology: A Vision for Zero-Emission Vessels Powered by Wind

September 3, 2018
An intriguing article, which I unexpectedly stumbled upon through a Google search, highlights Blue Technology and introduces an innovative vessel concept that blends cutting-edge technology with sustainable solutions. Discover how wind power plays a key role in the future of green shipping.

Click the image to read the full article in PDF format.

blue technology, fairplay.ihs.com, Brian Boserup,, bæredygtighed, grøn teknologi, containerskibe  
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Nayaolmer.com | Blue technology and the ship of the future

3rd of August 2018

Discover the latest article on Blue Technology, featuring a mention of my name as a key figure. Dive into exciting trends in sustainable tech and see how I'm contributing to the future!

To read the blog click on the picture

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Racecar Engineering | Aquila's social engineering project

In January 2014, Racecar Engineering, a leading magazine in engineering and motorsport design, featured an article about the prestigious Aquila Racing Cars design competition. The article provides an in-depth look at the seven finalists, including myself, and the innovative concepts that made it to the final stage.

This coverage highlights the creative and technical challenges of the competition, emphasizing the value of collaboration and dedication in creating standout designs.

Click on the image to read the full article and gain insight into the excitement of the competition and the creative process behind the designs.

Discover more about my path to the finals and how I contributed fresh ideas to Aquila's social engineering project!

Cover of Racecar Engineering featuring an article on Aquila's social engineering project and the prestigious design competition finalists.  
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JydskeVestkysten | Suitcase can tell its own weight

14th of November 2006

JydskeVestkysten, a Danish newspaper, featured an article about my involvement in the opening of House of Innovation in Kolding, Denmark.

The event was inaugurated by the Danish Minister of Economic and Business Affairs. The article highlights my innovative project, a suitcase capable of measuring its own weight, designed to help avoid unexpected overweight fees at airports. Alongside, Lene Toni Kjeld presented her seamless wallpaper designs that are already available in stores.

We both represent the entrepreneurial environment in V25, part of Business Kolding and appreciate the collaborative network it fosters.

Lars Roug and Lene Toni Kjeld at the House of Innovation opening, Kolding, showcasing the suitcase with integrated weight measurement and innovative wallpaper designs.  

Suitcase can tell its own weight

What about a suitcase that can tell its own weight, in order to avoid paying sour money for expensive overweight at the airport. Or what about a wall that exists in transitional patterns, so different patterns imperceptibly can melt together.

Lars Roug and Lene Toni Kjeld have both made very tangible examples of innovation. While Lars is working to get his invention into production, Lene’s already out in stores.

The two hired into the V25, which is Business Kolding's entrepreneurial environment, and are good examples of those who use the House of Innovation. They are happy with environment.

- You can get coaching, you are better able to develop your ideas. And then you get your self a network, "says Lars Roug.

- It is also good to have a community and a place to be home. It is important to have a network, Lene noted.

Martin Egede Jensen, Torben Kjær Madsen, who develops retailing on the Internet and a production management system, Six Sigma, agree .

- It is important to have a strong network and someone who can give a second opinion on your ideas, says Torben.

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Former newsletters


Happy New Year 2011


    News letter sent January the 20th 2011

With the advent of a new year, it is traditionally time to reflect on the year that has past. Before I do so, let me first and foremost wish friends, colleagues, client and business associates the very best for the New Year.

Up to the launching of Nordship Yachts new yacht the 360 DS at the Düsseldorf yacht show in late January, there were a number of articles on various web sites, which showed the 3D illustrations I had 3D modelled. I was especially pleased to read a Norwegian article dated late 2009 stating that two Norwegians had bought the new yacht based on my illustrations.

I was also pleased to see that my 3D illustrations I had 3D modelled were exhibited at the Nordship Yachts stand at Dusseldorf yacht show.

The Nordship 360 DS was well received by the press both before and after the test sailings. Most excitingly, the model is nominated for European Yacht of the Year 2011. It would be exciting and very deservingly for Nordship to run away with the title and I wish Nordship all the best of luck. The winner will be unveiled at the Düsseldorf yacht show - January the 22nd - 30th 2011.

Talking about Nordship - a fellow student from Coventry University e-mailed me mid 2010, to tell me that his chief designer had presented some 3D renderings/illustrations of boats to him, which he liked. He further believed that his employees should take inspiration from these renderings. Incidentally one of these illustrations was my 3D illustration of the Nordship 360 DS. I was pleased and proud that a former fellow student had such high regards for my work.

In April, I was offered what seems to be a major project. Regrettably the client never paid for my services with this experience in mind I have now revisited my standard contract to avoid future similar situations, wasting several months of work in the process.

During the climate summit in Copenhagen (Cop15) in December 2009 I visited an international exhibition called the Bright Green Exhibition. A lot of international companies were present. I started networking with an American company – a process that has continued during 2010. It is an interesting company with good design ideas. They may wish to delegate part of a project to me – hopefully soon.

3D rendering of the current jet seaplane concept, designed as a single-person aviation and maritime solution. Rendered in Keyshot and refined in Photoshop, the design reflects joy, inspiration, and innovative technology.   In August I was on a five-day intensive sketching course, held by car designer David Hilton in Cologne, Germany. The first two days were quick sketch drawing methods. The last three days of the course were spent developing one of the ideas we had sketched the first two days and then either build up the idea as a clay model or a 3D Alias model. I designed a single person jet seaplane. The product is a noisy product a little bid like jet skis. Most people hate them, but the user loves it.

Over the last two years several interesting job applicants, potential business partners or students who would like an internship have contacted me. Most people who have contacted me found my website on Google, and they represent nationalities from all over the world. Obviously, I am pleased to be contacted, and I hope sometime to be able to join some of these individuals professionally.

I wish you all a happy and prosperous year.

Yours sincerely

Lars Roug
BA (hons)

Jet-powered seaplane. The project started with a simple sketch. The top picture is the original idea of the 3D model I made in Cologne. Sadly I could not open the last alias file from the course on my computer, due to some server coding and the rendering images I made down there could not be opened either on my computer. The top rendering is from a previous file, which I could open on my computer. I therefore build up a new model with better details. Click on the picture to view further details.    
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More references from Roug Design



Newsletter sent, December 2007

Over the last two years I have contacted Danish and International companies in search of job opportunities, among these your company. Following up on previous contacts, I would like to tell how I have been doing since the latest contact.

To do well in design is about having the right references, and about establishing a wide ranging network. Over the last two years I have worked on establishing references and a valuable network in the design industry.

The latest project was a 3D modelling project for a Danish luxury yacht company - Nordship Yachts.

The brief was to draw a 38-footer yacht in 3D. Based on the drawings the company exceeded its sales expectations and is now in a situation where they have to decline new orders. Consequently, the company withdrew its plans to present the yacht at major boat shows.

Another project for Nordship yacht was to write a report suggesting new innovative ideas with interiors targeting a younger costumer clientele. Nordship Yachts have shown interest in some of the ideas, which hopefully means that soon I will have additional design projects for Nordship Yachts.

Please have a look at the attached jpg file, which shows the 3D illustrations of the Yacht.

I have further completed two short projects for Brahe Design and Moeller Jensen Design - two major Danish design companies.

A few months ago a Danish company that makes accessories to the music industry asked me to work on several freelance projects. The company had found my CV on a Danish job network site and found my international design education interesting.

Since May 2006, I have been connected with V25.
V25 is an entrepreneur house, which coaches and assists young entrepreneurs in establishing professional networks. Through V25 I have gained experience in starting up a company and arrange customer meetings.

3D model of Nordship 380 DS, motor sailer by Roug Design, Danish yacht design, 38-foot luxury yacht.  

When I started at V25 I initially followed up on a project I had worked on during my final year at Coventry. The Idea was to develop a suitcase with a build-in weight scale in the handle. Regrettably, I realised that there was a similar project already patented.

At the moment I work on a network site for Danish Car designers. I hope it will be a popular site for the media and the customers. The ultimate aim is that the site will be a site used by industries looking for automotive designers.

I am looking forward hearing from you and hope that a relationship can be developed either through freelance opportunities or a more permanent employment.

Happy New Year!

Yours faithfully,


Lars Roug
BA (hons) Transport-Product design



Get in Touch

I'm ready to help bring your design vision to life. Let's talk about your project.


Roug design / Lars Roug

Langebjergvej 558
DK-3050 Humlebæk

Landline phone: +45 36 96 45 58
Mobile: (can be provided in collaboration)
Skype: larsroug

Vat no: 29874492


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